Randall W. Carlson
Independent scholar & cosmological researcher,
Founder, Cosmographic Research Institute
Bradley Young
Expedition Coordinator; Videographer & Drone Meister
Institute Director, Cosmographic Research Institute
Randall generates a compelling argument that cosmic forces have influenced the cyclic advancement and destruction of human civilizations and proposes the actions that must be implemented now to avoid the next catastrophe.
See below for more
Randall W. Carlson
…is a professional builder and co-owner of Archetype Design/Build Inc. A native of rural Minnesota, he developed a curiosity and love for the natural world early in life. While attending Georgia’s Dekalb College, he was awarded ‘outstanding geology student of the year’ in 1993. He has continued his studies as an avocation with a primary interest in discontinuities and catastrophes in the geological record. During the past two-and-a-half decades he has logged over 40,000 road miles of travel across North America to hundreds of sites, studying the effects of the Late Wisconsin Ice Age and its rapid termination 11 to 14 thousand years before present, along with other phenomena associated with extreme events such as impact craters, volcanic eruptions, and Late Pleistocene megafaunal death assemblages. His focus has been directed primarily at the wealth of evidence for catastrophic megafloods associated with the recession of the vast Laurentide/ Cordilleran ice complex.
As an independent scholar and researcher, Randall blends multiple scientific disciplines together with a keen knowledge of ancient mythology and symbolism, to create a unique perspective on the events that have shaped our historical and pre-historical timelines. He has traveled extensively both nationally and internationally, investigating the impacts that astronomical events have had on human culture. Recent discoveries have bolstered his theories that many ancient myths may hold truths about the repeated rise and fall of mankind. From ubiquitous flood legends, the mysterious extinctions at the end of the Great Ice Age, the collapse of the Bronze Age, through the Dark Ages, the Medieval period, the Little Ice Age and now global change, Randall generates a compelling argument that cosmic forces have influenced the cyclic advancement and destruction of human civilizations and proposes the actions that must be implemented now to avoid the next catastrophe.
Your Humbled Host Bradley Young
Overlaying his daily occupation as a residential electrician, Bradley is an explorer, videographer, and collector. Fascinated by the planets’ natural beauty and the seemingly divine order and chaos of the cosmos, he has aggregated thousands of satellite and telescopic images, plus a gallery of large-scale prints and digital relief maps of America’s lithosphere. Correlating the macro views from above with extensive ground-based micro observations, he has used these cartographic tools to investigate, record and study the landforms that are indicators of catastrophe.
Specifically interested in the factors that instigated the abrupt end of the last ice age and the resultant transformations, surveying impact structures and identifying unconfirmed archaic crater remnants, the mystery of the American Mound complexes and astronomically advanced cultures, space travel and the possibilities of extra-terrestrial life, Bradley has consistently conceptualized outside the boxes of modern scientific dogma. During his limited-run radio program in the summer of 1997, dubbed The Aware State Update, as host “Will B. Young”, he had the opportunity to express some of these progressive ideas while discussing topics that gestate the emerging paradigm. After sixteen years of cosmographic exploration, his next objective is to positively identify the North American impact sites that delineate the Younger-Dryas Boundary events and connect their conspicuous simultaneity with the proposed ‘sinking’ of a fabled Atlantis Island.
In addition to a half-dozen independent road trips across the western U.S., he has coordinated and participated in nearly every one of Cosmographic Research’s team expeditions since 1998, trekking across regions of the Great Pacific Northwest and Southern British Columbia, the canyon-traversed Desert Southwest, the mid-Atlantic and Southern Appalachians, the mound structure complexes along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and the Finger Lakes of New York, compiling and organizing thousands of images and more than eighty hours of digital video.
Their travels have ventured into thirty of America’s states and logged way over 44,000 miles, documenting diverse features including astroblemes, steep-walled canyons and coulees, boulder streams and fields, glacially-scoured trenches, macro-bedforms and mega-scale sedimentological deposits. His favorite memories from each expedition are typically the conquest of reaching the peak of some high mountain to oversee the topography below or peering over the edge of some sheer cliff to admire the work of ancient catastrophic flooding episodes.
Directed by the dictum “Speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee,” he is learning to decipher the language written large into the landscape that can be translated into a story that more completely describes our history on this sol-centered ‘rolling stone’. These ongoing investigations affirm his deeply-held commitment to protecting our unique paradise planet from its next cosmic-scale catastrophe, while fostering awareness of the clues that are helping to solve Humankind’s most enduring mysteries, and providing possible solutions that can catalyze a re-tuning of the Earth’s lost harmony.
The Web is a global medium, so why not attempt to generate a global effect, both physically and psychologically? Initially, the plan for this presentation was to reconstruct our teams’ Research EXpeditions accomplished since 1998, and to share our extensive collections of images and video clips from sites around the United States. Expecting to focus on eight previous tours across the Great Pacific Northwest, where we observed the effects of the Missoula and Bonneville floods, but wanting to build the website’s structure to accommodate expansion into pertinent investigations, the scope of our purpose here suddenly swelled and became an inspiration to pursue an impassioned path of discovery. (See the ‘Mission’ section.)
Submitting for now that immersing oneself in the study of the Missoula Floods, one of the largest diluvial catastrophes yet identified on Planet Earth, and myriad other associated events at the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition, can be a giant leap toward demystifying the most critical transformational period in the evolution of humankind – the termination of the ice age that dominated the climate, and the termination of the mega-beasts that dominated the lands.
Our purposes here will begin to address these issues:
- Provide an accessible gateway for inquiring minds to examine many of America’s awesome landscapes that were ravaged by mega-floods
- Define and publicize the critical controversies that surround the ‘Holocene Mystery’ and provide a forum for further discussion/debate
- Provide an overview of some of the encompassing issues that might ignite curiosity among students of all ages to delve into the Earth Sciences
- Generate interest in touring the United States’ Great Pacific Northwest region along an Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail
- Provide access to images and maps that are buried within deep public sites like NASA & USGS
- Identify topographic curiosities and seek explanations (potential astroblemes, landslides, etc.)
- Introduce the solar system’s rowdy rogues and warn of the imminent danger
- Show evidence that devastating catastrophes are transpiring on a semi-regular timetable
- Show that the Ancients attempted to encode this timetable for future generations to decode
- Promote the recognition of the need to pursue additional studies of the arcanum
- Add a another voice to those that recognize the need for awareness, action and preparation
- Create a coherent exposition that will draw attention to the currently incomplete recitation of human history